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My 12 year of relationship

Nithya Rao

I have been a privileged woman, I grew up in a family that has loved me all my life. I enjoyed my schooling, expanding into different areas such as artistic, scientific and humanitarian. However, the best part of this experience was and always will be the friends and people I met there.

In Bangalore, I studied the career of my dreams (Law), while I worked in one of the largest companies in the india related to the retail industry. During this era of my life (in my 20's) I learned a great many things but as always, the most fulfilling part was the friends and people who were part of my experience.

At 29 I married the person who had been my boyfriend for 7 years and with whom we came to live in his house, the mumbai. We lived in mumbai, and later in delhi. During our marriage we traveled the world and enjoyed the pleasures of life, but unfortunately little by little we grew apart as companions and a year ago we ended our 12-year relationship.

I met Sudha Shastri through instagram at the end of the november 2023. The simplicity with which he spoke deeply penetrated my mind and from that moment he has been my second mother, guru and the mentor. At that time I was felting a heartbreaking fear i told her about my relationship crisis with my husband. She suggested me to perform an worship Shree Yagya for me. The effects of shree yagya's practices were immediately noticed, and without even understanding why, I began to regain my security and optimism. My relationship crisis was exalted before i met sudha shastri and it was for this reason that I took refuge in Sudha mam's suggested process, especially Shree Yagya. after the 6th day of worship my husband finally called me and ask me to meet and want to reunite again. he sounds like he wants to apologies that what he did with me and then we talked over the phone for next 2 hour and it is the longest time we talked on phone in our entire 12 years's relationship. that time i was fully mesmerized that what is happening and how. All i know that time that i just want to share this with sudha shastri. i feel very lucky that i meet you sudha mam you did a lot for me like my second mother now everythigs going right and on the track thanks again and again.

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Posted On:

Wednesday, 6 December, 2023

Posted By:

Nithya Rao

Director Product Management at walmart india.



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